Is Your Web Site Up to Snuff?
According to digital marketing experts, business to business buyers are typically 57% of the way though their buying decision before actively engaging with a sales person. 93% of most first-time buying cycles begin online. And, 89% of those looking to make a significant purchase search online before buying. That said – is your web site ready? If not, what’s it going to take to get it there? For many, knowing what and how to publish online is a rather daunting challenge. Even though it can be overwhelming, it must be done. For the do-it-yourselfer, Google is a tremendous resource. An abundant volume of information can be found here for those looking to take this task on internally. Others may wish to seek the assistance of digital marketing consultants skilled in the practice of creating web sites to meet the needs of sophisticated buyers. My advice when it comes to your website AND your social media presence for that matter, don’t just set it and forget it. A routinely scheduled digital audit (at least annually) of your web site will ensure your online presence is ready and able to capture the attention of those searching for what you have to sell. |